In the late 1970s, an ordinary North London trang chủ was allegedly haunted by a poltergeist — which tortured the family who lived inside.

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In The 2, paranormal investigators Ed và Lorraine Warren travel to England to lớn investigate the Enfield haunting. Though the film is fictional, the alleged haunting in North London did take place in the 1970s.


Ed & Lorraine Warren, played by Patrick Wilson và Vera Farmiga, in The 2.

To some, the Enfield haunting was nothing more than an elaborate prank. Skeptics claimed that Janet made up the voice of Bill Wilkins herself and that her mother her for attention and fame.

Perhaps most damning, investigators once caught the children bending spoons. Janet admitted to lớn doing that — but said that she và her siblings were just trying khổng lồ see if anyone tell the difference. And Janet insists that they faked paranormal events just “2 percent” of the time.

The family’s defenders also point out that Peggy Hodgson had nothing khổng lồ gain from spreading the story. “Checkbook journalism,” as the Daily Mirror photographer, Morris, put it, simply didn’t exist at the time.

In any case, the hauntings trickled to lớn a mysterious over in 1979. Though the family says they sometimes experienced slightly strange things after the haunting — lượt thích odd noises — nothing extreme happened in later years. That said, their chilling experience has stuck with them to lớn this day.

“It stays with you. Every step of the way,” Margaret said. “It’s just lượt thích a death really, it gets a little bit easier as time goes on. But the fear and the memories of it and what happened never leaves you.”

And Janet, who experienced most of the haunting, dismisses the views of skeptics who say that she và her family made up the Enfield poltergeist.

“I don’t care what they think,” Janet said. “I know what happened and I know it was real.”

After reading about the Enfield haunting and the true story of The 2, take a deeper dive into the real stories behind The films. Then, the stories behind these haunted houses in the United States.

The Enfield poltergeist – the name given lớn the story of the paranormal phenomena that occurred at an average house in Enfield, North London, is one of Britain’s most beloved & well-known ghost stories. It’s also been the centre of a major Hollywood feature film, The 2, as well as The Enfield Haunting series, on SKY TV – both with star-studded casts.

The story of the Enfield poltergeist house has divided many, with some respected members of paranormal societies believing the of the Hodgson family to lớn be entirely accurate. However, many skeptics think that many elements of the story earmark it as being a hoax.

Although we may never exactly know what happened, the poltergeist in Enfield is still the most fascinating ghost story in modern British history.

The Origins of the Enfield Poltergeist

Enfield Poltergeist Attack on Janice

The Enfield poltergeist story began in 1977 & centred on the Hodgson family, mainly on the youngest daughter, Janet. Mother Peggy, daughters Margaret, 13 & Janet, 11 and sons Johnny, 10, and Billy, 7, lived in an average semi-detached house in Enfield.

We usually hear tales of ghostly in grander settings: hotels, castles và ancient buildings, so the haunted house in Enfield resonated with families across Britain because it was real; it was close to lớn home, it felt lượt thích it happen to lớn us.

The first event in the haunting is disputed, but it’s thought lớn be either the beds moving around Janet and Margaret’s room or the chest of drawers moving forwards và then moving backwards.

In both cases, Peggy told the children khổng lồ stop messing around & didn’t believe that anything was happening until she moved the chest of drawers back into place, only to see it move once again.

With that, she became frightened và ran to the neighbour’s house: the neighbours then them back to the house, only khổng lồ hear other unexplained noises, such as knocks và banging noises from various places in the house, with no particular source.

The police were called, and they too heard the noises but not trace their source.

One of the many reasons that the haunted house in Enfield became such a worldwide sensation was because many of the paranormal events that took place inside the home were captured on film.

Once the police were called, many more events began to occur: items were regularly thrown around, Janet, the youngest daughter, spoke in strange voices and snarls, & she was thrown around her bedroom.

One image shows her midair in a seemingly impossible leap. Maurice Grosse và Guy Playfair, two of the investigators in the Society for Physical Research case, maintain that they believe the haunting was genuine và caught many of the now-infamous images on film.

Much of the equipment used in their investigation was often found khổng lồ be malfunctioning upon entering the Hodgson household, despite working perfectly well beforehand. However, Janet was found to lớn have hidden a tape & was video-taped bending spoons on another occasion.

They believe that much of the activity surrounding the Enfield ghost was genuine. However, they suspect that some of the occurrences were exaggerated by Janet for increased attention by reporters. For example, Playfair said that Bill, one of the voices Janet became most well-known for, had some similar vocal tics và habits to Janet, such as changing the topic of often.

Whilst this doesn’t necessarily mean that Bill wasn’t “real”, it does raise questions: why would Bill speak in such a similar manner khổng lồ Janet?

Janet portrayed by Madison Wolfe in the 2

Although there are many theories about the truth of the Enfield haunting house, there are many who believe the Enfield poltergeist is a hoax & nothing more than a figment of a creative yet troubled young girl.

Most investigators believe that the story begins và ends with Janet. The newspapers wrote about the Enfield ghost & the Enfield poltergeist; many also wrote scathing stories about Janet: Janet, the young girl at the very heart of the story.

Whether or not she was lying about some or all of the activity, we’ll never know, but there is little doubt in most people’s minds that at least some of the phenomena – at least in the beginning – was real.

Perhaps Janet started to appreciate the increased attention that she, a middle child in a working-class family, was finally starting to lớn get, for maybe the very first time. So she began khổng lồ exaggerate some of the activities around her to gain more notoriety, exposure & attention.

Or, perhaps Janet’s story echoes other poltergeist stories: typically, poltergeist occur around young women before entering puberty.

Janet was at precisely the right age for such an, & for all we know, some of her behaviours, such as bending spoons and hiding a, may have been by the said poltergeist.

Ed & Lorraine Warren

The Warrens were well-known paranormal investigators in the 1960s & 1970s. They may well be better-known today following the blockbuster films based on their story: The, The 2 (Enfield Poltergeist Film) và Annabelle films.

The 2 true story differs from the film quite a bit. The 2 showed the Warrens as being incredibly involved in the case of the Enfield poltergeist house, but this may be more than a little bit misleading.

Guy Playfair, one of the investigators on the case, said that the Warrens turned up to the Enfield house uninvited & stayed for just one day.

Ed Warren also reportedly told Playfair that a lot of money be made from the case, which indicate why the Warrens themselves turned up to bởi their own investigation.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the whole case centres on Bill, the voice that Janet was heard to lớn use và speak with on many occasions, in a stern, low tone.

Some research suggests that the idea of using a different voice or several different voices might have been “planted” in Janet’s head by Grosse.

Janet told reporters that Grosse had told her that the voices were needed lớn talk, and immediately following, the voices came.

Something unexplained about Bill, however, is how Janet have known that Bill died of a haemorrhaged in the armchair in the living room of the house, which was later by his son – that a man named Bill had died in the house, of a haemorrhage, sitting in his chair in the living room.

The Bill story gives the Enfield Poltergeist case that feeling; that tips skeptics over from not being sure into being believers.

After a year & a half of activity, the phenomena at the Enfield house abruptly came lớn an end. No one knew why, but these sorts of hauntings are with poltergeists: they stop, they start, và the family gets back khổng lồ normal.

During that year và a half, many phenomena occurred: furniture moving, electrical equipment malfunctioning, Janet spoke in different voices and snarls, knocks and banging sounds be heard from around the house – & from what we can tell, the family not find a source for any of these activities, at least in the beginning.

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Whether or not the Hodgson family was telling the whole truth remains khổng lồ be seen, but we still can’t up with a reasonable explanation for the Bill story. Can you?

You’ve read up on the 2 film, you see our article on the True Story here.